The North Yorkshire Council
Local Access Forum
25th September 2024
Update on the preparation of the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) for North Yorkshire and York
Report of the Local Nature Recovery Strategy project team
1.0 Purpose of the report
1.1 To provide members with an overview of the background, context and objectives of the Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) for North Yorkshire and York, provide an update on current progress with the preparation of the strategy, and provide an overview of work undertaken to date.
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) are a new, England-wide system of spatial strategies established by clauses 104 to 108 of the Environment Act 2021.
2.2 They are designed as tools to drive more coordinated, practical and focussed action to help nature. Each Strategy will, for the area that it covers:
· agree priorities for nature’s recovery,
· map the most valuable existing areas for nature,
· map specific proposals for creating or improving habitat for nature and wider environmental goals.
2.3 There are 48 strategy areas which cover the whole of England with no gaps or overlaps. The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has appointed ‘responsible authorities’ to lead the preparation of the strategy for each area.
2.4 North Yorkshire Council is appointed as the responsible authority for the development of the LNRS for North Yorkshire and York (North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council administrative area).
2.5 There are four supporting authorities to the development of the strategy, these are:
· Natural England
· City of York Council
· North York Moors National Park Authority
· Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority
3.0 Staffing and Budget
3.1 The North Yorkshire Council project team for the development of the LNRS comprises:
· Tim Johns (LNRS Lead, Senior Policy Officer)
· Tris Terry (LNRS Project Manager)
· Hugh Clear Hill (Principal Environmental Policy Officer)
· Matt Millington (Local Nature Partnership Development Officer)
3.2 The LNRS is a Defra-funded project with an allocated budget for the preparation phase of the project.
3.3 The approach to the delivery of the LNRS is yet to be devised and funding for this element of the work is also still to be confirmed.
BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: web link Local Nature Recovery Strategy | North Yorkshire Council
Author: Tris Terry, LNRS Project Manager